Crash The Party

Crash The Party

There’s a party on 4th of July, and you’re not invited.
It’s time to Crash The Party.
They don’t want you to be heard.
So turn up, to turn it up.
And show up to vote on the 4th July.
Your name’s not down, you’re not coming in. 
Crash The Party.

  • #JustVote24
  • #CrashTheParty

Check you’ve got the right ID

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Not sure who to vote for?

Voting for the candidate that will influence policy issues that are important to you is the key to ensuring your voice is heard. 

We’re putting links below to the main political parties 2024 manifestos as and when they become available so you can read through them and decide who will represent your views best in parliament.

Remember, every vote matters. The difference between winning and losing seats can be very tight so your vote really can make a difference. 

In the 2019 General Election, one seat was won by less than 100 votes and 22% of constituencies were won by margins of less than 10%.

  • Show up to vote on the 4th July

Not sure where to vote?

Enter your postcode below to find out where your polling station is.

Get ready to crash 2024’s biggest party

Join the movement by signing up and we'll tell you more about how you can use your voting superpower and how you can enter our competition to win tickets to one of the UK’s biggest music festivals. Oh, and we will also remind you to turn up for V Day on 4th July. Easy peasy.

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Thanks for signing up and crashing the political party at the next general election :)

We’ll be in touch soon with useful information and reminders about the upcoming general election.

Stay tuned... and together, we can make a difference.

Got the right ID?

Did you know, 1 in 5 people across the UK don't know which ID is valid. So let's double check - - do you currently have one of the following?

  • UK or Northern Ireland driving licence
  • EU driving licence
  • UK passport
  • Voter Authority Certificate
Yep, I'm all set

Get free ID

A valid ID is your ticket to the biggest party of the year - the election!

It's easy and FREE to get yours, you just need to do it before 24 June to make sure you can vote on election day. What are you waiting for?

Get my free ID

Share the page with your friends so they can crash the party with you:

  • Signed
  • Got ID?
  • Free ID?
  • Shared